SSH Commands

by Kanan Karimov



This app is created to manage SSH devices remotely. App can send commands sequently or you can open a Shell connection to devices. App also works as FTP, TFTP server. If you start TFTP or FTP server you need togive a port number between 1024-65535. This is because in Linux like system (Including Android) well-known ports (1-1024) are reserved by the system. Because of that a different port number should be used.Once you add a host to the list now you can click on host and see the options. From opened menu you can Run, Open Shell, Ping the device. If you Click on Run App will open the shell and send all commands whichyou were added when adding host. If all commands sent successfully, you will see green text on host like Success (and date you run). If connection or commands fails you will see Error (and date you run) on thehost.You have one other run option on main toolbar which is called Run All. If you click on this button the app will open the shell and start sending the commands host by host. Let’s say you have 20 host in your list (Free Version supports only 3 Host) and you want to run all commands with one click. Then you click on Run All and lean back and watch the Shell.One other option is Commands to every host. Let’s say you want to a specific command for every host. In this time, you do not need to chance commands for every host and then run for all. In Main toolbar you have an option called "Command". When you click this button, a Dialog will be appearing. On the dialog you can enter the commands and click on Start. Here given commands will be sent to every host sequently.The circle on hosts shows the ping status. But it is manual. If you click on ping on a specific host and if ping success the circle will be green else red. Every time you restart the app ping status will be reset.You also can ping all host with one click. In main toolbar you can see ping button. When you click on this button a dialog will appear. In the dialog enter the Repeat Count (How many times a ping packet should besent) and then click on start. This will ping each host sequently and change the circle color for each host.